After quitting my job in July, I kept wandering for some time for unavoidable reasons. I am now back in New Delhi, which is going to be my headquarters for some time. During my travels I hardly had access to the Net. I also had no time to pen down my thoughts. Hence this big gap between August 7, when I posted my last article, and now, November 4, 2010.
I will keep posting my views and my reflections on my blog though I would shortly be creating a separate Hindi BLOG under the title SAMPOORN KRANTI, which means TOTAL REVOLUTION. The contents of the Hindi blog may often be different from my English blog.
My new website (, which is under renovation, will contain my writings and reflections in a more organised fashion subject-wise.
I am sorry to discontinue on this blog the story of The Barber Boy and a Billion Children since the work has acquired the shape of a novel - or a memoir in the form of a novel - a NOVELOIRE, which is proposed to be published in due course.