I want complete freedom, though I may not want absolute freedom: I do not want freedom from the dictates of my conscience; I do not want to exercise a freedom that tramples upon the freedom of the less privileged; I do not want freedoms that snatch the bread from the mouths of one billion humans.
When I lead, I want to be fettered by the aspirations of the millions that I lead, but not by their clamors for injustice towards those that are few, and therefore weak; when I follow, I do not want to be completely free from the dictates of my leader, because then that will take me and us no where – after all I chose my leader only when he gratified my conscience.
I want complete freedom, but this freedom I want in order to free millions of people from the bondage of hunger, disease and poverty.
I want to be free, not just for the sake of enjoying my freedom, but for giving my own and others’ existence a sense and a meaning!
The new background on your blog make it much easier to read the words of your posts. Thank you. The previous ones were very beautiful but your stories and thoughts were difficult to read sometimes because of them.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for the past inconvenience!I intend to retain this background.
ReplyDeleteI am also trying another blog platform WordPress to find out which one is better. You may also like to visit the blog at pksiddharth.wordpress.com